Unlimited mailings |
Customer Support (chat, email, phone) |
Priority V.I.P. |
Pop-up forms |
Marketing automation |
Custom fieldsUse them to enter any useful information to search, target and segment your contacts or to send personalized content. |
40 |
Delivery Speed |
Maximum |
Cancel a mailing in-progress |
Remove Cyberimpact logo (Footer) |
Create emails that stand out |
Drag and drop editor |
Image library |
Image editor |
Responsive templates (mobile) |
Create your own email template |
HTML Editor |
Countdown block (time) |
RSS/ATOM Feed BlockAdd your most recent news or updates published on your website or blog to your templates. |
Video/GIF block |
Calendar module |
Micro surveysAdd a multiple-choice, single-answer survey to your mailings to ask your recipients about their preferences. |
Autosave |
Remove Cyberimpact logo (Footer) |
Email templatesTemplates provided in the application that you can modify as you wish. |
Smart templatesGenerate, with just a few clicks, a series of ready-to-use templates that reflect your branding. |
Optimize your campaigns |
Advanced segmentationTarget your contacts according to certain conditions to send them personalized content. |
Statistics on your mailingsDiscover the performance of your mailings to find out which ones work better than others and create increasingly effective campaigns. |
Downloading reports (Excel/CSV file)Analyze the performance of your email campaigns by exporting your data to an Excel or CSV file. |
Reasons for unsubscribingFollowing the unsubscription, your contact will be redirected to a form where he’ll be able to select a reason for unsubscribing. |
Automate your mailings |
Ready to use automation scenariosGet started quickly with automated marketing using pre-established scenarios, such as sending a welcome email when someone signs up for your newsletter. |
Creation of automated email scenariosSend the right message at the right time, even when you are offline. |
Unlimited |
Create a scenario based on a trigger (birthdays, form subscriptions, etc.)Choose from a variety of triggers as your contact's entry point into an automated scenario. |
Multiple automation actions and conditions. (opening an email, clicking a link, etc.)Add multiple actions and conditions to customize a contact's journey in the same scenario. |
Manage your contacts |
Creation of dynamic listsGroups to which contacts are automatically included in when they meet the specified selection criteria. |
Advanced searchUse the advanced search to filter your contacts and create groups following specific criteria. |
Consent tools (blocks, templates, etc.) |
Creation of forms (hosted, HTML, Iframe) |
Pop-up forms |
Creation of groups (audiences)Groups allow you to better target your contacts by categorizing them (by language, by field of interest or by origin, for example). |
Unlimited |
Preference Center (profile update form)A place where your subscribers can update their own information (such as their name and email address) by themselves. It also gives them the opportunity to personalize their own email experience. |
Manage your accesses |
Number of users |
Unlimited |
Multi-account access (management of several accounts simultaneously) |
Two-factor authentication |
Roles of the usersManage the different levels of authorization and access according to the roles you have assigned to the team member. |
User, administrator and custom role |
Other |
API Integration |
Zapier Integration |